What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Wow! You must have a bone to pick with Emotiva. I have little interest in HDMI 1.4...in fact 1.3 is one of the worst standards because devices just don't work well together due to the looseness of the standard. I'll be happy with 1.3 working (and almost all mfg's have problems by the way).

The UMC-1 is on it's third beta and there are still some bugs being worked out. For the $'s, if they get it fully working it's one of the bargains in the HiFi world today.

I wonder how many folks had to buy a TV with Deep Color....even though there is no content published today in deep color. How many have 1080p HDTV's and only watch HDTV over cable which is at most 1080i.

Don't get all hung up on the latest and greatest.

If you are in the market for a pre/pro you could do far worse than an Emotiva UMC-1. And for lots more $'s, you could do better.
See why I've become more cynical than my usual idealistic self when it comes to the new kids on the block over achieving, under priced, latest greatest slam bang gizmos?

They do it to themselves.

it do pay to stay with proven standards a good bit of the time.

business is tough to get a segment of a market, and tougher to apparently just bring to that market.

Economics and failures such as this one have caused me to slide from 'Bleeding edge' down to the 'I can smell the edge' for acquiring newly released tech.
"...if they get it fully working it's one of the bargains in the HiFi world today."

Lol! This statement really cracks me up. I'm sorry! You gotta appreciate the humor in that response. "if they ever get it working".
Come on people. Do we as consumers really need to be supporting products that aren't actually working? Has hard times brought us to this?!
One would think our standards would at least come to accept only products that actually, well um, work!!
But then again, maybe it's just me. I like to pay hundreds for products that actually function. And, to make it worse, you can see these features in the products menu and display, but you apparently can't get to em, or get them working, it seems. Um, ok...

And, yes, I do have a bone to pick. Because Emotiva strung me along for almost a year and a half, while I waited on their list, only to be presented with the current offering.
Yeah, I'm carrying a little pissy-stick, sure.
First, I have loaned money to Emotiva..if it doesn't work the way I want in the final release, I can return it for full money back (30 days from when the software is final).

There are many companies who have used "early announcements" to hold potential buyers from buying a competitive product...Emotiva is no different. (think microsoft; Sony; and let's not forget the infamous Outlaw 997) The nearest competitor I know of today is the integra DHC-40.1 at $300 more, and it has it's own problems with HDMI sync.

So..if they get the software sorted out, I'll gladly keep mine and I will have a bargain at $699. If I decide not to wait, I'll return it and probably buy a 40.1. If it weren't for the heat output of the last Integra/Onkyo processors, I'd probably already own one of them....Lot's of choices, lots of trade-offs.
THat's true about the heat output on the Integra's...man it heats up my little equipt closet!