What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Are they still even selling this POJ?! Oh wait, I see on their website that they are! They thought saddens me, really.
Hey is there even a professional review out yet on this "veritable bargain of electronics nightmares?" I mean if this thing, afterall, is the proposed "rock-bottom-deal", "steal of the century", audiophile grade av pre that it should be, shouldn't some pro review mag have gone and reviewed it by now?
I'm sorry. but if any electronoics company, which spent years (yes, that's right- years!) keeping the world in suspense with their highly anticipated and readily announced product, isn't getting a professional review after their prized baby had been finally been released to the general republic after all this time, to that I'd have to say EVERYONE,RUN FOR THE HILLS!!...ABANDON SHIP!
Wisdom surely has to say here, "buyer beware!" Wouldn't you think?
Well then again I guess they did, afterall, sell a bunch of Gremlins and Pacers back in the mid 70's to a bunch of unsuspecting buyers- quasi-successfully -it seems (I know, I actuall saw them on the road).
Oh and my wife still thinks Bose is the end-all of high end audio!
So there you are!...
Hi Queefee

Emotiva is still working through the issues with the UMC-1. Per their forum they are up to firmware version W7.02.00.00. They are working through the problems and I'm sure they will get through it. It will be a really long frustrating journey for some but I'm sure it will get better.

Man you really have a bone to pick with them. I think you should get a punching bag and put an Emotiva logo on it and go to town on it to work out your anger with them. Yes they could have done things a bit differently but they did what they thought was right and tried to put out an agressively priced feature packed pre/pro. As for me I'm still on the fence with the latest and greatest HT processors. I'm using my Outlaw 990 till the dust settles or I get a bigger HT room.
Same old same old, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. They had so many folks carry their water for so long and I for one am glad this all happened because it was getting silly with the praise and hype. Its nice to face reality......well maybe not for Emotiva.
"Emotiva is still working through the issues with the UMC-1. Per their forum they are up to firmware version W7.02.00.00." (jedinight24)

Come on! You gotta laugh at that one, right?. I mean we're talking about a piece of gear that has been worked on now for litterally YEEEEEEEARS! - a product that is now outdated in respect to the latest feature sets currently available.
By the time they possibly ever do get the buggs worked out, The UMC-1 will surely be an obsolete product, yes?
The UMC-1 has to be the best running joke in the history of the industry, by my recollection! There's got to be a place in the consumer electronics annals, for all to ponder, when all is said and done on this turkey, Ya think?
Well, it's a story anyhowz.
I for one am happy with my pretty descent HK AVR354 as a preamp to an outboard amp pressently. And, actually, it sounds pretty darn sweet as a stand alone unit to, running my little Klipsch quintet III system, connected up with my "Anti-cable" wires...really!! Supper clear and musical with nice dynamics and smooth balance, and excellent deail too.
Hey, who needs mondo expensive gear when you can have audiophile mid-fi gear on the cheap?!
I Call it my "AV reference recession package!"
I did, you know, give up on my emotva afterall. Heck, they didn't even ever email/call me that my piece was ready, after being on the list for all this time, either!!
I agree Emotiva bit the dust big time......even with all the Gorilla net marketing, you cant hide a bad product from being discovered.