What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Chadnliz, have you listened to the UMC-1 vs. the Onkyo and Marantz models that cost many times the price? If so was it with the same amps?

I'm only asking because I have heard these products. I have no stock in any of them. If the Marantz, Denon or Onkyo were better I'd say so and STILL be happy with the UMC-1 since it does a very good job for my application. So I'll score it simply:

Ease of Use:
All three units are a pain to set up, even if you know how to tune for a room yourself. But any of them can be tuned better by ear if you spend the time. And it's time well spent.

Ease of Use using the Auto-Tune systems:
I felt Denon got it much closer to what I'd finally wanted.

Sound quality:
There is no question in my mind (or any of my friends who own the other models) that the UMC-1 is superior. It's even surprisingly good in two channel audio!

The UMC-1 is one of the few units around that isn't covered with a bazillion buttons, looking like a 90's receiver or Bob Carver's nightmare. It's low profile and elegant.

The Emotiva all metal remote looks the best, but it's horrible in use. I like the Marantz remote.

As for Lexicon, I'm not a fan. What they did with the Oppo reflected a way of doing business that some installer friends had told me about for years and my impressions based on listening only added to that. Still, the move with the Oppo redress was awful.

PS: No one should take this too seriously! It's just audio gear and most of us will have totally different stuff in 5 years anyway.

Except for my Merlin speakers, which I may be buried with!

Not everyone has access to every specific model of every ilk so no I didnt do a direct comparison but have heard it and to me its cold and sterile and doesnt involve me.
I said its good for the money and thats all I am going to say.
Well...I have directly compared the Emotiva XPA-3 & XPA-2 to some fairly good SS amps. You can do an search and see my comparison between the Emotiva XPA-3 and Rotel 1090, Odyssey Stratos and so on.
I have always wondered how people judged amps as anything without hearing them through several pre-amps.

Other insane items from Emotiva are their CD player which I also recently compared to the Rega Saturn (and others) and their USP-1 preamp, which lost in it's shootout with a Rogue Metis tube pre-amp, but not by much.

Obviously much of this is subjective. What sounds cold to you may sound detailed and accurate to someone else. I don't use the Emotiva gear for music much, but for home theater it's as good as anything I've tried. As I said, I've abandoned SS completely for amp/preamp on music.

"Other insane items from Emotiva are their CD player which I also recently compared to the Rega Saturn (and others) and their USP-1 preamp, which lost in it's shootout with a Rogue Metis tube pre-amp, but not by much."

It seems many things associated with emo are thought of as insane. I have heard the sauce used at emu-fest also described as insane by "wide ranging" Dan. So insane isn't all it is cracked up to be.