What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
It was a normal date with my girlfriend Sue
Blond hair, blue eyes and five foot two
The night was cold, the stars were bright
From over her shoulder came a great light

We parked the car down by three mile point
The top was down we were really going
I heard her cry, the reactor flaired
She grew and grew I freaked and stared

Attack of the fifty foot woman
Our love was at an end 
All she did to get her kicks was step on all the men. 

"The Tubes, The completion backward principal, "Attack of the fifty foot woman ".

Can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin.
Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to😎
Asked my mama for 15 cents, to see the elephant jump the fence.
It jumped so high it touched the sky, didn't come back till 4th of July😎
Aerosmith's first album(1973)
Written by Rufus Thomas

A fine choice, but - I say - if you're going with Peter Green, you pretty much have to go for a sexual lyric like Long Grey Mare ("she won't let me ride her any more") or Rattlesnake Shake:

"Ain't but one thing a good man can do....the rattlesnake shake.....jerk away the blues.  Now jerk it."
Whiskey woman don't you know that you are driving me insane.
The liquor you give stems your will to live and gets right to my brain...
Judas Priest
"Victim of Changes"
From " Sad Wings of Destiny"