What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
I am not so sure that your prepared to be objective Rob, you are already saying you sure this new unit (with bugs...that in itself is an amazing lack of confidence) but still you seem certain its going to be some "giant killer"
Sorry but your shilling before its even out, it is apparent your not prepared to be nuetral to me.
As shaneful as Emo's last release was it will be the untimate show of greed and arrogance if the new unit has ANY bugs whatsoever, any serious company will learn from and refuse to repeat a flawed product launch. I look forward to final judgement on exactly what kind of company we are dealing with here. If its a great release then bravo and the shame will fade in time, if it is however yet another arrogant misguided premature and lengthy delayed launch of a subpar product they deserve to fail and we should not slow the demise down with explanatory excuses and slide of hand positive forum marketing, they should die the death they desrve. The have recieved their get out of jail free card, if it happens again we should execute.
Trying to make a product that is good for the money is a great goal but its worthless to only have good intentions, the proof is in performace as promised.........thats not unreasonable to expect, or demand.
Emotiva I am talking to you, you have one more chance to right the ship................are you listening?
Time will tell I suppose.................tick tock!
No processor I have used....not the Marantz, Onkyo or Outlaw were released bug free.

In fact it's nearly impossible to do so and to suggest otherwise points to a seriously ignorant buying public at this level. There is simply no way to build a processor that will be 100% computable with all sources. Cable and Sat. TV sources are the most problematic as they are a constantly moving target. My own cable provider has upgraded my box 3 times in two years. The 2nd upgrade caused all kinds of issues with my Onkyo. Then there are hundreds of other sources/gear which fail to follow exacting standards.

My Marantz had three times more firmware upgrades than the UMC-1.

We can go back and forth with this all day. The bottom line TODAY is that the UMC-1 is so slayer of giants, but I know it's superior to the Onkyo, Marantz and Denon units. Problems from months ago don't interest me, but having a great sounding stable processor does. If you own most of the other brands you paid MOST of your money for advertising. And if you're seriously looking for something better than a UMC-1, don't be silly by suggesting Marantz, Denon or Onkyo. They are generally harsher sounding units.

The rest of the comments here are old news and science fiction.

There has not been any Science fiction, stop shilling please.
I have nver had one bug in a Anthem, Rotel, Lexicon, Onkyo or Denon unit. Lesser recievers from Sony (2), Onkyo (3), Pioneer (2) have never had an issue either. A firmware update was usually a new feature not a fix for a bug so your comfort and dismissal of flaws is laughable and should simply not happen.
I am thankful Emo isnt in the medical business because this business model could be life and death.
Does Emo pay you by the post for your blind loyalty?
I dont think Outlaw, marantz and current Onkyo offerings are any better or worse and have not suggested either way, the Emo is a sub $1000 unit in cost and IMO performance and is priced correctly........and as a bonus bugs and glitches are free of charge, what a deal!
"And if you're seriously looking for something better than a UMC-1, don't be silly by suggesting Marantz, Denon or Onkyo."

Yea, how could D&M holdings ever produce a better sounding and performing pre-pro than Tonewinner.
Chandnliz, I was mistaken in thinking you were a reasonable fellow. You persist in bashing a product you don't own. Furthermore, all of the proof about the UMC-1 CURRENT status is easily read on the Emo forums, but apparently the truth is of no concern to you.

1) Please define the current bugs that make my UMC-1 a problem.

2) Onkyo and Marantz had bugs when released. In fact the Marantz would power down only when unplugged when I first got it! They fixed it quickly though. I owned the Rotel for a short time. It had what we call "Sony sound" and I quickly dumped it.

But I'm glad you pointed out that the Onkyo, Marantz offerings are no better, though they are far more expensive. I'd love to pit the current Anthem against the UMC-1 for overall sound quality.

Please grow up and stop accusing people of "shilling." I don't work for Emotiva. I sell yachts and own a website to keep me knee deep in toys.

Based on the e-mails I've gotten (thanks) I'll let two people who don't own the gear currently take their last shots. It's clear what their motives are, I agree.


(and see my system!)
