What's going on with the audio market?

Recent retail sales reports are very bad and I am hearing that sales for audio equipment have been nonexistent over the past few months.  I also see more dealers putting items up for sale here and on other outlets.  Even items that have traditionally sold quickly here are expiring without being sold. 

To what would you attribute the slowdown?  Have you changed your buying habits for audio equipment and, if so, why? 

Yes it may be too much to ask and yes you do sound condescending and smug.  You may want to take you skills to this forum:


Are there any other competencies one should possess per your sensibilities?

Here is another site you might enjoy:

As I feared. And I can’t really argue the point, or offer a defense, can I? But I did think it was related to the mention of the movie, and the decline in standards, both in terms of music systems/listeners, and America itself. Does that make me an a-hole :-( ? Hopefully Donald Trump will become President, and make America great again ;-).

I do agree with you that the demise of our country on many levels is indeed sad and alarming.  Education and social skills are at the top of the list.
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Hi all

Interesting Thread going on here. Was asking me the same questions... in '14 I've sold my Audio Physic Avanti 5 (ex demo in a bad shape) for about the purchase price. Note: I was the official first owner and had put on some 3 years of listening by then. All this within a week of offering in one single marketplace. With the money recieved I've then bought me the upgraded version of the same speaker in as new condition (!)

One year later I was thinking about getting new speakers. So I've tried to sell the upgraded avantis, still in perfect shape, for 80% of my purchase price (25 - 30% of their new price... as i've got them cheap) and had NO f...ing offer for 6 months, despite offering them all around europe on 3 platforms. So, there are definitely some strange things going on! End of the story: Kept my speakers and upgraded them instead of loosing money.

My dealer seems to struggle to, he is selling some watt puppy 5,1s for 1$ starting bid.

Which leads me to my numbers. I am 35 now, was 17 when i've bought my first serious system. Selling/Buying better stuff never ended  since then, but it shure will end right now. For one simple reason: The people don't seem to rekognize the value of serious, well selected and combined high end no more. Considering the catalogue price of my gear (all bought 2nd hand) my system is a steal, and never fails to impress me and every serious listerner. But if you start talking about prices, they look at you as if you where taking drugs. Knowing what I own, I am not willing to put my stuff on market again. Maybe one day a friend or a not yet born son will inheritate it all.