MAC Autoformers?

Someone is selling a MAC MA6500 Integrated claiming its superiority over the Ma6600 due to the fact that "it does not have the degrading autoformer design found in the MA6600". That is the first time I've heard a claim that the autoformer was a hindrance to better performance; I thought quite the opposite. What do you MAC Maves think?
I noticed I made a grammatical error in my last post that could mislead people. Autoformers increase the output impedance of the amp relative to direct-coupled designs, which leads to a LOWER damping factor. My apologies for being such a lousy editor.
I wonder if you run a bunch of drivers , in series, which means higher impedance if the wattage stays constant... -with an auto former-

So let's say... Since I like to use DJ'ing as an excuse to buy audio gear for my home system.....(lived that lie since I was 17 in 1981) could I run several JBL Alinco magnet 18" subs in scoops in series and not continuously half the power as I run into higher impedance loads??? That to me is better than running low impedance loads and stressing the amps and generating tons of heat and a lower dampening factor.

I know there is no free lunch... but would I be better off running say... (8)18"
woofers (8 ohm each) in series parallel arrangement to give a 8 ohm load with a Mcintosh as opposed to running them in parallel for a 1 ohm load with a Krell?
Read what Mac's designer says. A push-pull amp has, by its nature a lower output impede in the bottom stage. The autoformer corrects this mixed-matched problem and matches the sometimes large fluctuations in total output impedance some the speaker always gets the same current no matter its impedance so it will not blow because of a demanding signal. It is BOTH a sonic and safety issue.
My 2 cents is after talking to Mctintosh Tech Teryy somebody in Knoxville TN, research,the verdict is that autoformer as opposed to direct is a different but very d=techniacal approach. Your own ear is the judge. Mu experience is with MC 2200 paired with Martin Logan motion 10 +sub. Results were very Impressive used 3 different venue's (rooms).

So my Net answer is I think due to dedication & quality, Mcintosh had a game winner.

 Very versatile  amp with rich smooth Mcintosh sound, attention to quality, is the defining difference but people forget how dedicated Frank WAS.