hi, i have in this moment a ayon cd5s cdplayer with built in preamplifier , pass x250 amps and wilson sasha speaker ( i love sasha), i want a new and better amplifier, the options are two, pass xa100.8 monoblocks or cary 211fe monoblock, what is the better option for the sasha?, your opinion please
For a 3 dimensional stage and sound based on Tru-Fi You need:

- speakers who use crossovers and owns the d.n.a. to build a wide and deep stage

By far most speakers are 2 dimensional. This means that they only can create no depth till maximum of 1 metre.

In the middle frequencies you find the most important part were the emotion of music is being experienced.

You need a source who also can create a deep and wide stage. Again most brands are 2 dimensional.

The biggest mistake these days are the use of seperate dacs with usb. Because it is a fact that you loose a big part of the diversity in the middle frequencies. What you hear is that the sound in the middle frequencies is almost the same.

When you compare sources, the differences in stage depth and width and also in diversity is huge.

For amp and pre amps again you need those brands who are capable in creating a deep and wide stage. Most are also 2 dimensional.

I give you another example: When you compare a new Pass labs poweramp with a Mcintosh or Accuphase you will understand why the Pass is so much better.

It can reveal many more layers in the middle frequencies compare to the other two brands. It also can create a deeper and wider stage compared to the other 2.

You have a much lower level of diversity in the middle frequencies with the Accuphase and Mcintosh.

Each part needs to have the right properties to create the best sound possible.

You need to understand how the emotion is being created during listening to music. When you build an audio system this way the level of emotion will become so much higher.

Most people in audio don’t know a lot about properties. So only the ineffective way of trial and error is what they can use. It is a useless way of creating audio. It always will be a big F guess!!
Bo, you didn't answer the question - what specific components , you know brands, models, cables, that you specifically use for the Tru FI 3 dimensional sound so we can all see what's in your system 
I seldom talk about my set. Because even when you buy the same set, it will be totally different in sound what you wil get.

I never will talk in details about my own developed Statement Audio Pro measurement. Because this brings audio to a much higher and new level.

We do a lot of modifications to amps and sources. We will never tell in details how we do it.

In 2015 we did a lot of research in electricity and smog. Here we made a lot of progress as well.

Audio is not based on brands and products, but the way how you use it.

We use a lot of tricks and do many things totally different. Here is were we reach a much higher level than others.

I use the best professional lasers in the world and have created different ways to measure. This is also an important part were we have a big advantage compared to the rest.

Research and testing gives me a lot of information all the time. The differences are all the details togheter.

My focus is always based on how I get the highest level out of each part of an audio set. This only can be given and understood by testing for hours each week.

Most people create a very low level out of each part of their system. For me it is very easy to make this clear. Often I take only one part with me. Often it is only one cable.

Even with one cable I can make clear why a person only uses a low level out of a part in his system.

I always know exactley how to reach a higher level out of a set and what I need to change. I am only interested in creating the biggest improvement for a certain amount of money.

A perfectionist is only interested in the best result possible. 2nd best is for F losers. It is my job and responsibility to create the best sound possible for every single client. Only result counts and never is the focus on how can I earn the most money from this client.

I love to compete, I see audio as a game. I love to play against others. Because I always want to win. Proof me you can create a higher endresult?

All audio shops have the same chances as I have, may the best win!!

bo1972"I seldom talk about my set ... I never will talk in details about my own developed Statement Audio Pro measurement. ... We will never tell in details how we do it ... I love to compete, I see audio as a game ... Proof me you can create a higher endresult?"

How can anyone prove anything to you Bo? Your equipment is Top Secret. Your "measurements" are Top Secret. Your "Tru-Fi" premise is mumbo-jumbo. Yet, you demand proof from others! Silly!