FR64s & Orsonic Av-1s Effective mass ?

Hi Good folks!

I have an FR 64s with original headshell. Have ordered an Orsonic Av-1s/ 10 grams, to meet better compliance/ resonnance matching with higher compliance cartridges.

Any idea what the effective mass will be with this combination?

Would be funny to try for example how my London Decca Super Gold would work with this arm..😀

Dear @cleeds :   """  but it’s really presumptuous of you to speak for others and state that they love distortion, too. """

No it's not. As I said in my post till today we have no altenative but live with distortions. Like it this fact or not.

Regards and enjoy the music,

rauliruegas" ... As I said in my post till today we have no altenative but live with distortions. Like it this fact or not."

Pardon me, Raul, but you stated, " I love distortions as you too ... I’m sure that you love diferent kind of distortions." That is profoundly presumptuous on your part. Please speak for yourself. Please don’t tell me what to think, what to love, or pretend that you know me better than I may know myself. Please.

That fact is, Raul, that you have enough trouble here just explaining yourself. Perhaps you should focus on that, rather than trying to divine the positions of others who you know absolutely nothing about.
Dear @cleeds : Again, IT'S NOT. I don't care per se what any one loves to listen and how is listening it or what they think.

But any one of us and you are not an exception are listening " distorted " music through our audio systems and you can't change this fact. Any one of us can " pretend " that fact does not exist but is useless to do it because exist.

Regards and enjoy the music,

rauliruegas""Again, IT'S NOT."

Really? You're now shouting at me that it's not profoundly presumptuous for you to state, " " ... yes I love distortions as you too ... I’m sure that you love diferent kind of distortions than me as many of other audiophiles ... "

Ok, Raul. You insist so much that I love distortion that you'll resort to shouting. You must have some crystal ball. Why not tell me what else I love? What do I love most in wine, beer, cars, women and shoes? Go ahead. Tell me what I think, how I should think,  and how you have some special insight into what goes on in my head and my life. Go ahead. tell me.

What a freakin' jerk.
Dear @cleeds :  """  Raul is actually the only person I've ever heard who didn't think the FR-64S was an outstanding pickup arm. """

Not really. Now, one main target and I can say critical target in any tonearm design is that can cope with the cartridge needs and to achieve that main/critical target ( between other things. ) the tonearm it self must be " dead silent " adding no single kind of " distortions " or increment the cartridge/TT generated original ones.

To stay nearest that main/critical tonearm design the tonearm must be very very well damped and even if well damped there is no way to avoid 100% its " influence " against the cartridge signal.

Unfortunatelly the FR is a non-damped design and is far away from that main/critical target. That tonearm " promote " and increment " distortions " that does exist in lower " quantity/quality in a very well damped tonearm designs. I'm not talking what we like because that's does not change the premises.

J.Carr that's the Lyra cartridge designer, a music lover and an audiophile years ago posted this about the FR tonearm you love and that you think sounds " terrific ":

"""  but truth be told, I'm not overly enamoured of the "S" family either (and I say this as the long-time owner of a 64S with Elevation Base and Arm Stabilizer). The stainless steel is great to look at, but less great to listen to, and when I run mine I prefer to keep a compression wrap around the tube. """

A compression wrap around the tube.?.  Please ask your self: WHY that compession wrap? 

Easy answer: to damps in someway that " terrible " undamped design. To help in some way the delicate cartridge signal can't be totally corrupted by that non damped tonearm design.
Things are that I used that same compression wrap ( by Sumiko. ) with my FR and SAEC tonearms and for the same JC reasons.

It helps?, yes a little but nothing more.

In the other side the FR designers choosed the worst mechanism for set up in dynamic balance the VTF, that's a focus of added distortions all the time is in use.

JC, added:   

"""  Finally, the headshell has a major impact on the sound, but I am sure that you are well aware of that. """

As the FR the Orsonic headshell are non-damped ones and cooperate in full to " promotion and added distortions ". Both terrible headshells for say the least.

Again, if the FR/Orsonic " fantastic " distortions are the ones that people like then good for all of you that like it.

Btw, @lewm , I don't know which Acutex model you are talking about but if it's one of the top in the Acutex lines I can tell you that you can't listen it in bad way even if you use your " hand " as a tonearm.

Regards and enjoy the music,