Power Cord 20 amp for my Krell FPB 600 Amp.

Hello i just purchased a Krell FPB 600 Amp. Can anyone recommend a good 20 amp power cord? My system also consists of B&W 800 Matrix , Mark Levinson 38s preamp, Rega Saturn r CD Player . Straightwire Cescendo XLR and Virtuoso speaker cables . Thank you  
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I recently purchsed a Audio Research Ref 5se and needed a cord as well. I found a really good deal on a demo 20amp Cardas Clear and am very pleased with it. I also had found a demo Clear Beyond but felt it more than I needed for a pre-amp. But for an amp, I think the Clear Beyond would be a great companion.
Hi Theo thanks for your response . Do know were i could find a Cardas Clear Beyond 20 amp Power Cord?