Help me upgrade

I currently have a yamaha DSP-A1 with the BK 200.5 amp. I want to go to a digital amp that accepts hdmi. What should I get?
HDMI inputs on power amp are none existence. Only Receivers and HD Processors would have HDMI inputs. Power amps only have Balance and Unbalance inputs, what you need is a processor with HDMI inputs and you're done, leave your BK amp alone and upgrade to a HD Processor.
yup that's what i meant. is it worth the upgrade? Will i hear a difference if I switch to hdmi inputs?
Yes, you'll get your money worth. A decent HD Processor will run around $1200-$1500, are you willing to go there? keep an eye on Audiogon's ad, and you'll run into something that you might like, good luck.