Set up for Rockport Aviors

Hello all, I’m in the market for new speakers. Rockport Aviors are on my list. I like accurate bass and I have limited room to move speakers around to optimize the bass. I currently have Vandersteen 5A’s and, of course, they have the ability to adjust the bass to accommodate one’s room without having to actually move the speakers. I’m a little worried about going with a speaker that does not have any adjustability to the bass – except by moving the speaker around. Looking for input from Avior owners on their experience in setting up their Aviors. My room is 22 ½’ X 17 1/2’ with an 8’ to 9’ foot ceiling (it varies). Listen spot is at 15’. Thanks for any input.
Philb - my contact info is on our (temporary) website. Maybe we can get together at rmaf, I will be there all 3 days. Ken
Hi Keith,

I have a very similar room (albeit much higher ceilings) and I've been playing with Avior placement. Mind sharing your final placement?


PM philb7777, he has the Cygnus and has been a lot of help with positioning when I had my Aviors.