Hello Friends
Thanks for your input!!
I just wan't to know, if feeding a tube phono stage, to a tube push pull intergrated, would be to much of a good thing
I like my music fast with good bass and plenty of slam!!
The system at the moment, is a solid state, phono stage, that I can with RCA resistors!!, the bass seems fine, it just depends on the recording, and some times will shock me how deep it gets, but 60?%, I't seems a touch bright, would pairing my tube intergrated, with the decaware, phono stage, be to soft, or maybe play around with the loading of the Zu Denpn 103 Cartridge??
Forgive me, I'm new to this, I'm 90% there, but wish to go the whole way
Many Thanks
David Spry
Thanks for your input!!
I just wan't to know, if feeding a tube phono stage, to a tube push pull intergrated, would be to much of a good thing
I like my music fast with good bass and plenty of slam!!
The system at the moment, is a solid state, phono stage, that I can with RCA resistors!!, the bass seems fine, it just depends on the recording, and some times will shock me how deep it gets, but 60?%, I't seems a touch bright, would pairing my tube intergrated, with the decaware, phono stage, be to soft, or maybe play around with the loading of the Zu Denpn 103 Cartridge??
Forgive me, I'm new to this, I'm 90% there, but wish to go the whole way
Many Thanks
David Spry