What is your go-to online place to buy physical medium of music? And why?

The brunt of the question is pretty much covered in the title, but just curious where most people are buying any physical medium of music (vinyl, cassette, 8-track, etc.) online.

Personally, I've probably only bought a couple of items online. I mostly patronize my local independent record stores but, obviously, the selection of music available online is essentially infinite, so I'd like to start utilizing it more.

I have bought a few incredibly great pressings from http://www.better-records.com ...but they are absurdly expensive. The few I did get are my personal "must have" records, Jefferson Airplane "Crown of Creation" and a couple of Rolling Stones albums. I have also gotten some jazz and classic rock from sellers on Amazon, but I am selective about who I buy from. Likewise, I have also bought pristine collections from eBay (a Beethoven collection and a large tranche of classical records). So far, I have not had any issues.

edit: I have also bought from/or been given collections from friends and relatives. So far, the best pressings I have are from better-records ...except for a few from my started-in-the-60s collection.
Amazon.com  (fastest service)

Seems lately I have been buying a lot of out-of-print CD's. I usually research the best version through the Steve Hoffman forums and then turn to EBAY to find them. You will pay more than Amazon but you can also find uncompressed versions which offer better sound quality. The way I look at it is, if I put all this money into equipment, doesn't it only make sense to put the best possible source into it?

Barnes Noble, Amazon, eBay, Acoustic Sounds, Elusive Disc, Music Direct.