Velodyne DD12 or DD15

hello there,

am thinking of getting a velodyne DD 12 or 15 series sub.

both have great reviews. hopefully you folks out there can shed some light or experience with them.
My room size is 22' length by 14' with 9' ceiling height.
I play both music and movies in my home theatre set up.

Compared with DD12 which actually looks neater as it is smaller also cheaper, i wonder if the DD15 actually plays tighter bass for music and yet can produce deep theatrical bass for movies. ( somehow i always thought smaller subs are more agile and faster)

Another question comes to mind, DD series had been around for quite some time now, wonder if the next generation new model would be coming out any time soon?


I am a Velodyne dealer and had planned to use an SMS with my DD-15 and was warned against it by the company rep. He told me it would bypass the servo control. All of Velodynes subs do not have servo control as well as many other makes. I don't suppose Velodyne thinks you need the SMS with the DD series.
Hi Pedro,
I was recently in the market for a Velodyne DD 10 or a JL Audio F110. The Fathom sounded a lot better to me as far as definition ,tightness, speed and output. So take a look at the JL audio F112 and or F113 you won't be dissapointed.
Of course a sub with less deep bass will sound tighter and faster and even play louder. Fast bass equals less bass. It's the crossover point that makes a sub seem sluggish generally. But the JL subs are good never the less. Do they have room EQ?
I have a DD-15 and its great for movies, although my main speakers supposedly also go below 20Hz. If you can wait a bit, Velodyne was "supposed to" be coming out with the upgrade to the DD series for the past several years. My guess is the flat economy stalled things a bit.

2 benefits of waiting - if new models come out, they will be an improvement over the current DD series, and even if you decide against the new models, the existing DD series will get a lot more reasonable price-wise, and in a hurry.
Fplanner if you use your sub for music you can get your mains away from the wall and away from that big TV cabinet so they can breathe.