Lest I compound the impression of being rich as Croesus 💰💰💰💰 I should not that for my most recent build out I did not use the JPS again but instead opted for the Synergistic Research cryo treated Romex at <$10/foot (I forget the actual price)
Do I think the JPS sounded better than the SR? No idea -- but the JPS was a bear to work with and given my use of other SR products I opted for the cheaper and lighter cable
One consideration on in-wall is that it has zero resale value ... unless you can demolish your construction, so cost of ownership is that much higher
Do I think the JPS sounded better than the SR? No idea -- but the JPS was a bear to work with and given my use of other SR products I opted for the cheaper and lighter cable
One consideration on in-wall is that it has zero resale value ... unless you can demolish your construction, so cost of ownership is that much higher