Well I received my CPT 300 the other day and it is fully broken in now. Last night I put it on my 55" Panasonic plasma tv for the first time. I have 150 on an amp in the audio system.
Guys, to say the results were astonishing is an understatement.
I thought the blacks were dark before, but the 300 makes them BLACK.
I’m talking.....black-black.
Also, within big patches of black, there are no artifacts of any kind. ZERO.
I’m FAR from an expert on video, but to me, this all results in more depth as well because shadows are more easily shown. I don’t mean shadows from objects in front of the sun, but FINE shadows. Like blades of grass have deeper blacks between them which shows more detail and definition as a result.
Colors are more vivid and have more "pop", if you will.
I don’t know how else to say it, as I said, I’m no expert in judging video, but I know when I see a beautiful picture and the CPT 300 delivers the goods.
If you’re on the fence about trying a cord, get off it. They’re that good.
Guys, to say the results were astonishing is an understatement.
I thought the blacks were dark before, but the 300 makes them BLACK.
I’m talking.....black-black.
Also, within big patches of black, there are no artifacts of any kind. ZERO.
I’m FAR from an expert on video, but to me, this all results in more depth as well because shadows are more easily shown. I don’t mean shadows from objects in front of the sun, but FINE shadows. Like blades of grass have deeper blacks between them which shows more detail and definition as a result.
Colors are more vivid and have more "pop", if you will.
I don’t know how else to say it, as I said, I’m no expert in judging video, but I know when I see a beautiful picture and the CPT 300 delivers the goods.
If you’re on the fence about trying a cord, get off it. They’re that good.