Using Zu Def 2

I recently changed speakers for my two channel system and would like to use my Zu Definition 2s to form the basis of a separate 5.1 home theater system.
Any suggestions on a good centre speaker and rear speakers that will work with the zus as well as a receiver to drive everything? Not sure on budget - maybe $2,000
I recommend staying with Zu. Those speakers sound awesome and have a character that's difficult to match.
I got lead astray with the Moonie SIRHAN with the RWA 30.1 amp/pre amp stuff.

What he likes may not be what you like and you think you like it because he writes highly on it. Hope this is not true with you as it was with me.
I still like the Zus very much - great speakers - where I think the ASI's are a little better is in having a tighter bass and clearer treble but I don't like making direct comparisons as these are both, in my humble opinion, unique speakers.

Getting back to the original question, how best to go about integrating the Zus into a 5.1 system would be appreciated.
