Dolby Atmos 7.4.2 using all in wall Speakers

Hi all,

Been a long time "lurker" here at Audiogon, just recently joined as a member.

So I am a big "Diyer" and truly enjoy the pursuit of achieving the final result (As well as enjoying the final product!). I am setting up an Atmos 7.2.4 set up in my basement and I have purchased all the speakers (speakercraft cinema one series) and built two subs using Dayton Audio 18"drivers.  Am using a Berringher amp for the subs and I have the Yamaha A3040 for the full range speakers.  The only piece remaining to buy is the additional amp needed to power the front L and R speakers since the A3040 only has amplification for 9 speakers.

So my dilema is what amp should I purchase...what brand and how many channels; 2, 3, 5, or 7.  Ideally it should have a similar acoustic sound to the Yamaha (not sure if that is possible).  I don't know too much about how amps sound aside from what i have read here and other audio websites.  My max budget is $1000, preferable like to stay in the $750 range.  I know the key will be to have the front stage sound similar, so a 3 channel or 5 channel would be optimal.

Anyone have experience with Speakercraft cinema one series and what amps work well with them?  I prefer a neutral sound open sound with tight controlled bass.  Not an overly bright or harsh sound.  Am considering Parasound, Rotel & Outlaw Audio.  (Leaning towards the outlaw audio from what I have read).  Not opposed to purchasing used, really like the Threshold amp on sale here at Audiogon, but not familiar with how the Class A and A/B hybrid will sound.

I hope i have given enough information for you gurus to advise me.  Looking forward to reading the replies!

IMHO, I would use a 5 channel amp for all of the front speakers or a 2 channel amp for 2 of the rear speakers keeping all the fronts on the Yamaha.

If I used a 5 channel amp for the fronts, should I bi-amp the front right and left?  or Just use 3 of the 5 channels on the front stage.

Sorry, to be more specific,

1) 5 channel amp - L, C, R, and front ceiling pair, then the surround, surround back, and rear ceiling pair on the Yamaha 

2) 2 channel amp - rear ceiling pair, then the rest on the Yamaha 

and actually I think option 2 would sound the best due to the fact that only a single pair of speakers are being driven from a different amp and likely the least significant pair as well.