Right you are Geoff. Is 180 degrees off close ;-) ? To state it again, what is needed under a turntable (or CD player, or tube electronics) is not a piece of wood (or whatever) with which to "tune" the entire LP player (what a "primitive" idea!), but a low-pass mechanical filter with as low a resonant frequency as possible (3Hz, tops). That’s what the Minus K platforms are, what the tables made for medical microscopes are, and what the Townshend Pod is.
Oleschool---The Townshend Pods are available singly. You can get the Townshend Seismic Platform with it’s four corner Pods if you want, but it’s cheaper to get just the Pods. With a solid-plinth table such as the Classic, the Platform is not required, and three or four Pods is substantially cheaper than the Platform.
If the wallmount is like the Target and Solid Steel with which I’m familiar, use the shelf that comes with it, using three or four Pods in place of the Classic’s four feet. The Pods are available rated for different loads, the internal springs being optimized for varying weights. Three will do, Max says four are better. They seem overpriced to me, but whatta ya gonna do?! One thing you can do is first try Geoffkait’s springs---they too look good, though not as sophisticated as the Townshend. Check them out on Geoff’s site.
Another option is the replacement part for the Classic’s foot offered by Symposium Acoustics. VPI owners who have tried it seem very satisfied with the improvement it provides.