paraneer, perhaps I was not clear. My issue was not just "really to do with the aesthetics".
The point was that after apparently a significant effort in engineering upgrades, Technics failed to provide much differentiation by model number or appearance. That led many to assume it is a simple "reintroduction" of a basic, popular model at a much higher price. It seems to me, and a few others, they might have done more to present this as a truly new model. I don't own any stock in the company so it should not matter to me but I suspect this hinders their potential market.
The point was that after apparently a significant effort in engineering upgrades, Technics failed to provide much differentiation by model number or appearance. That led many to assume it is a simple "reintroduction" of a basic, popular model at a much higher price. It seems to me, and a few others, they might have done more to present this as a truly new model. I don't own any stock in the company so it should not matter to me but I suspect this hinders their potential market.