AV Receiver good enough for high end audio?

Have any of you found a modern AV receiver whose sound quality is so good that you are satisfied using it as your high end audio system? Did you toss aside your tube amp and just equip the front of your HT with a finer pair of speakers, a high end DAC, and done?
Not one made currently.
Some early ones were reportedly good but don't have the mandatory features you would need.
Let me add that. I have heard the big AV manufacturers claim outstanding audio but it seems they alone actually believe it. The modern hi fi cottage/boutique 2 channel guys that go into mulichannel imperil their fingernail grip on survival. At one recent Retailer/Manufacturer demo for my audio group. The rep for a successful firm was asked about multichannel and retorted with a "we just can't afford 50 or 60 programmers" developing price plummeting obsolescence every few months. And he added consumers simply will not buy dated technology in this area. He then recited a list of companies who had gone under or nearly were destroyed trying to enter the frey.