I used to think passive preamps were superior to active preamps given right the setup, but

my recent evaluation of a modded old SS preamp has me a little befuddled.  I've evaluated $10K+ active preamps in the past and was never impressed especially given their cost.  In general, I've found passives to do better job. I know there's ongoing debate on this.  But here's a very illuminating video on the subject by Bascom King, one of the legends of high end audio.

You can argue what ever you like but passive is the way to go and all others Solid state/tube are modified/altered in such away to sound better.
^^ the above statement is false if taken as a generalization. You may refer to my last two posts as to why.
My amp was the big CJ 650?[ My tumor has taken some of my memory] and now also a Gamut 200. Both simply let the music through better. Yesterday when I was listening to the Gamut I found myself rocking back and fourth. More prat or whatever. Don't even have my big Gamut 5s set up, this was with my SP1s