Tekton Lore-S

Does anyone have these whose main listening habits tend towards Indie Rock, Pop and electronic? If so How do you like them and how do they compare to your previous speakers.
As for the room, it is 12' w x 22' L x 8' h.  Speakers are on the 12'  wall. Carpeted, book cases along the walls. Seems very nice acoustically.
I think you would definitely benefit from a sub. I did with my setup.  Try to get one with adjustable crossover AND volume control so you can dial it in for your room.  Then experiment with using the sub bypass to your speakers (amp to sub then to speakers) and sub outs from the amp direct to the sub if you have it. one may work better for this setup. I would go with 14 inch or more on the sub - don't skimp on size. Keep us posted. 
Thank you for the recommendation. It looks like an SVS or Hsu may fit the bill.  I will let you know my results.                   Sarge