Any thoughts on a solid hickory platform under my tt

I have access to some beautiful 2" thick hickory butcher block instead of maple any thoughts on vibration control vs maple 
37 posts
07-03-2016 2:03pm

astro wrote,

"geoffkait, It seems to me that my postings above would give you a (reason) to look back at the comments you made."

You haven’t told me what’s bothering you yet. I gave you every opportunity. Apparently you’d rather play games.

Astro wrote,

"Why am I seemingly now, somehow, a person who has posted favorable results of your product, now, under scrutiny (by you) to prove what you previously said?"

What did I previously say? Is it a secret?

Astro also wrote,

"The proof is in the reading of (your past posts). I’ve posted where your remarks could easily be found and earlier you seemed to admit by you stating "good catch". It’s not up to me to do more than what I’ve thoughtfully posted. Being a fan of your own products, you still want to make me prove what you said in the past and then make me prove how it’s relevant to this discussion? When you could easily look into this yourself, instead, you choose to put some sort of, as you state, "drama" imposed by me?"

I already addressed your weird questions. Save the drama for yo mama.

Astro then wrote,

"As a prospective consumer of your products, this action by you, that could have been abated by you, would make me think twice about purchasing from you."

Don’t worry, I won’t be selling to you again. Actually I don't sell to anyone involved in threads of mine. 

And, finally, Astro wrote,

"I’m out!"

I’m down with that.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory

Astro, I see things differently than you in this way: I chose to discuss the subject of this posting from a theoretical point of view, addressing the "why" of isolation. You prefer a statement of how a certain approach or product had what kind of affect on a commenters own system. What lead me to try roller bearings was Barry Diament’s discussion of isolation on his website, not a statement by him about how bearings affected his system.

When I read about the theory behind an approach or product, I decide to either give it a try, or not, based on my own personal "sniff" test. Reading someone else say how a product did this or that to their system in florid audiophile terms doesn’t necessarily mean much to me.

I mentioned air bearings because I have Townshend Audio Seismic Sink platforms (the original "air" version, not the current "spring" version) under my turntable, CD/SACD player, tube phono pre-amp, tube line-stage pre-amp, and tube power amp. I mentioned roller bearings because I have both Symposium Acoustics and Ingress Engineering bearings under same. Yes, I recommend anyone looking for good isolation consider looking into these products. I wouldn’t dream of describing how they affected the sound of my system, but by discussing isolation itself I attempted to say why they might be of benefit in someone else’s.

Post removed 
Most anti-vibration systems do indeed convert vibration into heat. It might be helpful to read this article from EAR, a leader in vibration dampening:

With regards to a wooden base, I think you will find that the base will have greater effect if combined with another material such as aluminum or steel. The two layers will have different resonant frequencies and when in contact with each other will rob each other of that energy- the result being that the platform will considerably more 'dead'.

The device (DC player, preamp, turntable) should then be rigidly coupled into the platform via points of some sort. This will maximize the effect of the platform.