The best separates between $2500-3000. Moving on from the original Rogue Sphinx Intg..

I have decided  NOT to upgrade the original  Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to its new version.  Therefore, I would humbly ask for recommendations for  the best separates in the $2500-3000 range. I would prefer the same brand pre-amp and power amp, but will consider mixed brands.

My requirements are basic: at least 150-175 RMS; a simple "quality" remote with a mute switch and smoothly calibrated volume control.  Pre-amp Out ( optional) feature;.  A good headphone stage;  A good to VG phono stage, BUT  CAN forego in favor of a good  phono box.. .

I DON'T WANT OR NEED:  an onboard DAC for streaming audio files  ; processor loops, or subwoofer inputs and outputs HT inputs and outputs;  class D amp

Because of the plethora of new pre-amps with the features I don't want, I might consider older "quality" pre-amps without the bells and whistles. However, I AM NOT interested in  so called   "upgraded" vintage  or refurbished" crap from 20-30 years ago. I recently got burned on a refurbished and marginally upgraded turntable. My mistake.  Thank you for your advice 


Does the NuPrime ST-10 digital amp (150 RMS) qualify as a Class D amp, or a variant of Class D??
It is apparently a proprietary variant of class D.

The mention in its description of a 600 kHz switching frequency, 85% output stage efficiency, and its power-to-weight ratio (150 watts per channel, weight of about 13 pounds) all point to class D or something similar.

And this, from the TAS review that is linked to at the NuPrime site:

Although the ST-10 is a “digital” power amplifier, it is not a standard Class D switching amplifier. According to NuPrime’s owner’s manual, “Instead of the conventional sawtooth configuration, NuPrime’s patented circuit design uses an analog-modulating signal that adds neither noise nor jitter. Rather than reverting to off-the-shelf solutions, NuPrime’s in-house advances have further unlocked the switching amp’s potential without the difficulties pure digital-switching amplifiers simply cannot avoid.” The cliché that should follow would be, of course, “Not your father’s Class D amplifier.”
If you look at the first figure in this Wikipedia writeup on class D amplifiers, I would speculate based on this comment that the "triangular wave generator" shown in the figure is probably replaced in the NuPrime design by some sort of signal having less abrupt transitions between its positive-going and negative-going segments. Otherwise I’d imagine that at a conceptual level the design is generally similar to what is shown in the figure.

BTW, despite the reviewer’s reference to the ST-10 as a digital power amplifier, and despite popular misconception, class D amplifiers and similar variants are not digital amplifiers. As stated in the Wikipedia writeup:
The term "class D" is sometimes misunderstood as meaning a "digital" amplifier. While some class-D amps may indeed be controlled by digital circuits or include digital signal processing devices, the power stage deals with voltage and current as a function of non-quantized time. The smallest amount of noise, timing uncertainty, voltage ripple or any other non-ideality immediately results in an irreversible change of the output signal. The same errors in a digital system will only lead to incorrect results when they become so large that a signal representing a digit is distorted beyond recognition. Up to that point, non-idealities have no impact on the transmitted signal. Generally, digital signals are quantized in both amplitude and wavelength, while analog signals are quantized in one (e.g. PWM) or (usually) neither quantity.
Basically, class D is an analog process.

-- Al

Hi Jim, several people have mentioned Odyssey amps and I have to agree about the quality build and sound. I have owned an odyssey candela pre-amp + Stratos amp combo for several years now.  I,m assuming a similar set up used would be in the ballpark of $1,800 on the higher side. It does not accommodate a headphone jack but does have a remote that meets your requirements. A phone call to Klaus may be insightful. At 8 ohm is 150 watts but not sure at 4 ohm's. Having driven Snell floorstanders as well as 4 ohm GMA Europa monitors I've had no issues. Slightly to warm side of neutral but musical and detailed at least to me. The Candela responds to nos tubes nicely which makes tube rolling enjoyable. Hopefully this is a bit helpful. Thanks, Dave

What about the new NuPrime ST-10 digital amp??   NuPrime bought out NuForce's, and totally  redesigned their line of electronics. The one review I read in TAS about the power amp ST-10 was very strong regarding its performance. 

However, is this just another variation of class D amplification,  possibly escaping the class D house sound... that is, bright and edgy??. I don't want to pay $1595  to find out.  Thank you, Jim

Sorry, I missed your most recent responses.  Either Audiogon  screwed up, or I lapsing into senility.   BTW,   There seems to be an occasional short delay before the  response is posted. Thanks again, and disregard  my last response.
To Dave, Thank you for the heads about about the Odyssey Candela pre-amp, I will check the Odyssey website.  I do need  a VG phono amp equal to or better than the one that is in Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated.  I could always, but prefer not to buy a standard headphone box by project or another brand.  The Bellari VP 130 is a consideration, but I have an intuition that in operation is not as good as claimed and susceptible to hum because it s one tube output stage.  Thanks for the info,  Jim