Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
We are headed in the wrong direction, I think. Whatever we say Rinpoche appears to return to one brand - Audioquest. Who can say why? Anyway, $6000 buys great used tube preamp, be it VAC or Lamm or something else. Or new Herron, as an example. No cable in any system is worth that much money until the system is complete. This one is not. Of course, if someone just must do it it's not really our business, but I certainly wouldn't be able to applaud it.

I can barely differentiate Vedic Sanskrit from Middle Persian, but one thing I am sure of. From slightly different perspectives four brands have been recommended to try first - Mogami, Purist Audio, Wireworld and Shunayata. Chances are that at least one of them would work really well, or perhaps all of them giving a little different presentations.
I agree completely with the foregoing comments.  While I perhaps worded my Porsche/Odin comment more subtly than I should have, my main point (in addition to providing a bit of perspective on the cost of some of the cables that have been mentioned) was that I would not expect the proposed trade to have much likelihood of being sufficiently transformative to make sense.  And I would expect that likelihood to be even lower in this case than in many other circumstances as a result of the technical characteristics of the components that are being connected, as I indicated earlier, and by the short length that is involved.

An approach that stands a much greater chance of being sonically rewarding, IMO, would be to sell the Devialet 200 integrated amp (which the last time I looked had a list price in the USA of just under $10K), and applying the proceeds to or toward the combination of a preamp and much less expensive cables.

Just my $0.02.  Best regards,
-- Al
There might be a few things that complicate the matter.
Rinpoche is a professor. It is hard to be a student when you are a professor. She is a student here. Listening to advices is one thing, following them is something completely different.
I also believe that she doesn't want to deal with private sales, dealers are probably okay, so there may be a problem of selling that Deviolet amp. She might not have Audiogon feedback either. Selling something like that with zero feedback would be very difficult even at lower price.
She might not want to buy used, especially privately. Some people, more often women, don't buy anything used including houses and cars. Used is used, you know, it belonged to someone else, and in a sense still does.
But really, Rinpoche, there are Mogami studio XLR 1 meter pair cables on Audiogon. $95. You would do us all a favour to get them. Yes, I don't believe this will be enough, but I may be wrong. Please. $95.
One thing I do agree with is that "we are headed in the wrong direction". While I do listen and learn and value all of your suggestions, in the end it is my ears and my budget at play. So, there have been many suggestions given throughout this 9 page discussion. Some great, some good, and some ..... 

I am listening and learning. As I keep telling you all (especially Inna). I am a Canadian and as such I use a Canadian audio site to sell stuff so I do have a very good profile with positive feedback. I don't use Audiogon because they charge a fee and shipping from Canada is expensive. The Devialet is on sale — it sells for 9999 new. I have had few real offers or I would sell it. I would never sell it for the price of a 6000 cable. I just wanted you all to know. 

As for AQ, I used them in my last stereo and at the time (15 years ago) they were fine. Now I have Crystal Cable (for very specific reasons — it had synergy with the Devialet). The loaner Transparent sounds muddy, so I will not keep it and have to return it. 

However, one of the kind people on this thread is sending me a cable so the immediacy of getting 'the right one' is not as urgent. And, you all know, it is a personal subjective thing — I think we could agree on that? I have been looking at the brands you suggested but have not found anything used for sale. I love used. I am a woman. Oh no, maybe I don't fit the stereo-type (no pun intended!!).

As for being able to differentiate between Vedic Sanskrit and Middle Persian, I am sure you could tell by the script that they are different. But I have to say I found that to be very funny.

One thing I can't digest and yet I respect and appreciate are the technical specifications. I remember when I heard the Sabrinas. Peter McGrath from Wilson was there. So, too, were about 10 men who had gathered for the audition. For the first hour all they did was talk and talk about 'specs' and tweeters and so on. Finally I asked, 'do you think we could listen to them?'. Peter laughed and said, 'oh of course.'

The thing about used gear is that you might not always find what you are looking for!! And I really don't think that goes for houses. I mean, who only buys new houses? 

I am a student on this discussion. I have listened and acted on some of your advice. But, I am not bound by it either. R