I would suggest you try to listen with your Sphinx with the Magnepan .7
We have both new and prior Rogue Sphinx units working nicely with the .7s with Cardas.
The best separates between $2500-3000. Moving on from the original Rogue Sphinx Intg..
I have decided NOT to upgrade the original Rogue Sphinx integrated amp to its new version. Therefore, I would humbly ask for recommendations for the best separates in the $2500-3000 range. I would prefer the same brand pre-amp and power amp, but will consider mixed brands.
My requirements are basic: at least 150-175 RMS; a simple "quality" remote with a mute switch and smoothly calibrated volume control. Pre-amp Out ( optional) feature;. A good headphone stage; A good to VG phono stage, BUT CAN forego in favor of a good phono box.. .
I DON'T WANT OR NEED: an onboard DAC for streaming audio files ; processor loops, or subwoofer inputs and outputs HT inputs and outputs; class D amp
Because of the plethora of new pre-amps with the features I don't want, I might consider older "quality" pre-amps without the bells and whistles. However, I AM NOT interested in so called "upgraded" vintage or refurbished" crap from 20-30 years ago. I recently got burned on a refurbished and marginally upgraded turntable. My mistake. Thank you for your advice