Purist Dominus Ferox vs. Liquid

I can't seem to find any old threads that ask this question although I'm sure it's been asked. What differences do you hear between these two versions?
I've been slowly changing my system to all Purist for the last year. I have been using a combination of Anniversary Interconnects, Dominus Ferrox power cords & bi-wire speaker cables. I also have tried & are still using some Aqueous PC's & Venustas ICs. To say the least the results have been stunning, the best my system has ever sounded. I've tried many diff. brands of Ics & PCs through the last 6 years.
Purist has been the best PERIOD.

To answer the previos question, Yes it's fine to mix & match to get the most from your system, you must be willing to take the time & experiment. I agree with the previous post that the differences between the fluid & ferrox are exactly as they described.

Good luck with you search
The Fluid Is more warmer sounding and if your system is very transparent or your using Horns the Fluid are best. If your system is not as transparent the ferox is best. Either way Purist Audio is one of the best speaker cable manufacture in the world. This is of course my personal opinion over the last 15 years of hearing different cables.
Not so simple. Some end up with combination of Ferox and fluid cables. I use much lower in line Colossus, Ferox interconnects but fluid speaker cables. My system is not really high resolution. Fluid cables have something that is lost when you switch to Ferox.
Some cables in the newest Purist line have Contego, some sort of Ferox and fluid combination. I haven't heard them.
One day I would like to compare Purist to Echole, they say they are world class too.