What is DC offset on the AC power line?

I realize this question may be more appropriate in the miscellaneous section so please accept my apologies in advance. This may be somewhat amp related though, as in "don't use it with an amp".  

Can someone comment as to the pros/cons of a  DC offset suppression device, such as Emotiva CMX-2.


I haven't seen this feature in other power strips and/or surge suppressors.


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Thanks. The article is rather comprehensive, and while it explains a common cause could be an old household appliance, the article does not indicate what the disadvantage (if any) would be in using a DC offset filter if you didn't have an old appliance or otherwise need to. There must be some disadvantage in using this type of filter and that is what I'm looking to understand. If there is no disadvantage, I'm curious why the filter wouldn't be more widely available.
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Both my SS (for remote speakers) and tube main amp are plugged into a PS Audio Humbuster III…the tube amp wasn't humming but there was an extra outlet there so I figured it couldn't hurt…so…the SS amp had that pesky transformer hum sometimes and now it doesn't, both amps are dead quiet. The end.