Item not working properly

Is there an official or unofficial time frame for reporting a purchased item is not working properly
I am actually the seller, and it (a used, maybe 3 year old player) was working perfectly before shipping. I do not anticipate any problems, but was wondering about the issue.
I guess I'm in  the minority here.  I have sold hundreds and hundreds of pieces of gear.  I usually will give maybe 5-7 days after receipt.

2 weeks is a lot of time for something to happen that's out of my control.  Roommates, wife, kids, maids, pets.  Power surges, brown outs, lightening strikes.

I've only had 2 such instances and after the buyer calmed down and started to investigate the actual details, it was found that someone/something on their end caused the problem.
Was the item working during the 2-weeks in his possession, if so, it just bad luck for the buyer as this is the risk you accept when buying used.  .