What is DC offset on the AC power line?

I realize this question may be more appropriate in the miscellaneous section so please accept my apologies in advance. This may be somewhat amp related though, as in "don't use it with an amp".  

Can someone comment as to the pros/cons of a  DC offset suppression device, such as Emotiva CMX-2.


I haven't seen this feature in other power strips and/or surge suppressors.


Post removed 
Both my SS (for remote speakers) and tube main amp are plugged into a PS Audio Humbuster III…the tube amp wasn't humming but there was an extra outlet there so I figured it couldn't hurt…so…the SS amp had that pesky transformer hum sometimes and now it doesn't, both amps are dead quiet. The end.
the link u are providing is a forum thread from 2002 with many pages. I glanced over it. I do see one notation " What I'm trying to say is that the capacitors could limit the current and thus prevent the fuse to trip which may lead to dangerous situations. " 

jea48, here is an alternate url

thanks for your continued feedback


Lots of stuff inside there. I do not have any experience with the Emotiva device.

Are you experiencing a loud mechanical buzzing/humming sound coming from a torrid transformer in a piece of your audio equipment?

There is a member here on Agon that used to build DC blockers. I might be able to find his username if you need a blocker.


Gbart is the Agon member's username. If interested you might try sending him a PM over the Agon message system.

wolf_garcia, thanks for that post. Obviously use of that kind of filter can "work" (have the intended effect of reducing hum). Actually, they describe rather well what I was looking to understand.

jea48, no, I am not currently experiencing a loud mechanical buzz or otherwise think I would need such a device. However, in the past using a Carver MXR130 on the same outlet I have my current M6Si the Carver transformer did have a hum. Besides the PS Audio Humbuster III posted by wolf I wasn’t sure if this was something perhaps widely used in a audiophile grade system. But it’s because I do not have a problem that I’m looking to solve by virtue of a DC Filter that I’m asking what the drawback of using one is. Perhaps my electric system emits a "noise" of some kind amplified by the audio system and I merely cannot hear it. I doubt it, nevertheless, a possibility. Its also seems conceivable that a filter of some kind could eliminate or reduce something "unwanted" whether or not a person can detect it from an audible perspective. So again, this begs the question that why wouldn’t a DC Filter be used more widely in an audiophile grade system?