Audio Research LS15 vs. SP14

I’m not sure about the production date for these preamps but they seem to be within the same price range in the used market, basically within a $1200-$1500. All things being equal, which one do you folks prefer in terms of sound quality. I’ll be using it just as a basic preamp with an SS amp, ML Aerius speakers and a CD player so I don’t need a lot of features, just sound quality. Thanks.

Edited to add Audible Illusions Modulus3 as another option although it's priced somewhat lower than the ARC components referenced.

I had the SP-14 in the system for a number of years before moving up to the REF-3.   The SP-14 is a fine preamp with an excellent phono stage.  I ran it with a number of amps, including an ARC Classic 60, Atmosphere OTL 60 watt mono blocks and even two of Frank Van Alstine's biggest stereo amps bridged.  For the money they bring these days on the used market, I'd consider the SP-14 to be a good choice, especially considering the excellent phono stage that comes with it.
I had an LS-15 for years, then upgraded to an LS-25.  The -15 was a good amp for the price, if not a little sterile and on the cooler side.  It did eat tubes, though, as did my PH-3 Plus.  Annual replacements were a must.
Someone mentioned having an LS15/PH3 combo and that they burned thru tubes at a rapid clip.  I had the same combo for years and never experienced this.
I just bought one LS15 from Audiogon. Interestingly, I am also considering add a PH3 for my phono stage.

Not sure why preamp burns tube like French fries, I just can’t believe it.  These are small tubes and not for power amplification.