Jeff Rowlands Amp and Dac vs. VAC amp and DAC

Hello, I am new to this forum but I have a question. I am trying to pair an amp + DAC with my Wilson Sabrinas. I have listened to Jeff Rowlands integrated with the Aeris DAC. And the VAC Sigma integrated with the Aeris DAC. Price is a factor and so is space. Does the 625 need a pre-amp? Any suggestions or thoughts? 
As you wish, I am a tolerable man.
Rinpoche, I think you should slow down, get that cable that you bought, listen for couple of months and then move on to linestage tube preamplifiers while being prepared to replace all the cables in your system when you choose one. Being prepared doesn't mean that you will have to but you might have to. Inserting tube preamp in the chain is not a straightforward thing. There are issues of electrical compatibility, connectors etc. That's in addition and before musical desirability. And it will not be inexpensive. Some of us spend years to build a system, especially those who don't have tens of thousands of dollars to throw around. And tube preamps have tubes, different tubes give different nuances of sound, it all should be tuned in any particular system. And if you want to save a few hundred dollars and not buy better tubes, forget about tube equipment, it is not for you then. I suggest you stop spending thousands on cables unless and until you must. This time may come when you have chosen your tube preamp. Try to be a good student, all right?
I think this thread has served its purpose. Thank you all very much. I wish you all the best. I am grateful to you and your excellent suggestions. May you all be well and happy. 

Oh, forgot to mention. Your computer could benefit from good power conditioner, not sure about the dac - after all it's Rowland. Also, usb cable from computer to dac matters too. I heard that better Audioquests are pretty good, so should be Purist Audio of course if he makes them. I don't use computer in my system, no first hand knowledge. And the final thing you might eventually want to do, after everything else is in place, are power cords for all components. They don't have to be very expensive, but probably at least $300-$500 for each depending on length.
And this purpose remains unclear. As a philosopher, I am sure you understand it. Good luck with your audio quests.