Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank You- frozentundra

at the present time, I only have the speakers, as I am in the process of building my system. I have an idea of where I want to go with it.
There are a few more pieces of gear that I want to demo prior to any
purchase.  Yes, they are beautiful!
Heresy or...?

i just this past Saturday sold a very nice pair of Magnepan .7's that I purchased only recently because...well, I like Maggies, too. (I still have my CS3.5's.)

To round out the Mags low end output I subsequently purchased a Rhythmik L12 sub - which has gotten some very positive reviews. 
I also have this for sale here but...doesn't appear to have gained an audience yet. 

As you know the Thiel CS 3.5's incorporate an equalizer to extend the frequency response 20hz-20khz which I've found to be wonderful. Cutting the response to 40hz on the eq suffers separation and overall sonics. 

My question is...would removing the Thiel eq and incorporating the sub instead offer any benefits and, where would I position the crossover point?

I don't believe in modding anything but since I might not sell the sub too quickly...


It would be interesting to hear how a Thiel SmartSub fits into your query.
I am a big proponent of REL subwoofer. Happy Listening!
Oblgny, I'd suggest trying the 40 Hz setting on Thiel's eq and using the sub below that point. This might increase the dynamic range, and "ease". Though the dynamic range of the bass on the 3.5's isn't it's strongest point, overall the Thiel 3.5's stereo bass w/ eq  provides better bass than many subs. So much of this depends on your  amp and especially your room.
That's what I was thinking more or less as well. I doubt I'll do it because I think the 3.5's bass is damn good as it is.  Just figuring if I have the sub....   Boredom!

I like Rel too.  Had a couple in the past.