Should I buy a Class A Amp.

I would Love to buy a Class A Amp. I have a Sony Tan-80ES Amp right now and I have had it for 19 yrs. To me it sounds Great but I am curious about Class A Amps. Do they really sound better? I am looking at a Krell KSA 200 Amp right now for $2000.00. It is older then my Sony. Is this too much for such an old Amp? Would Love to hear members thoughts on this.  

Blessings, ..........Don.
i purchased a pass labs xa 30.8 when they came out and have been extraordinarily pleased with the amp. What made it really easy was the way reno hifi allowed a risk free demo. This was my first foray into separates as i had been a receiver fan, primarily with marantz, Rotel etc. The power for a small amp is there as i have not found any record that has overwhelmed it. From simple acoustic to complex jazz or classical, this amp rocks
Class A amps are very quick and alive.  There is no substitute for a good Class A bias amp.  I have had both PassLabs and Krells.  Both are good, but you can't beat  a Krell.  I have two 600E's and they have never disappointed.
I have a pair of Cary SLM D7 monoblocks. Pure class A. I love them, so yes. Like all gear beauty is in the ear of the listener and tube choice makes a big difference. I prefer to adjust sound with tubes and a preamp that has tone controls and eq switches. Used the pair cost only 1000 and kicks ass compared to anything I've ever owned. Yep, they are around 30 years old and still kickin. Go for it, class A rules. :-)

Here is something to ponder: You can't buy them, but Audire made both class A and Class A/B amps with the same basic parts. The A/B was twice the power, 200 vs 100 wpc (Parlando and Otez). Their designer, Julius Siksnius, an honest to god rocket scientist for the Apollo moon rockets, also had an earlier amp, the Forte, which used either bipolar or later, just to prove a point, a choice of the above or MosFets. He never claimed either was better. I have one of each. They sound the same. I have an Otez and a Parlando.  They sound the same except on my best speakers, B&W 803's. On my Electrostatic's or older B&W's there is no difference. The 803's are my most efficient speakers, by far.

The difference seems to be that the efficient speakers need less power and the Class A has it, so it has an easier life, despite the heat. I know that makes no sense, but I am not an electrical engineer.

I like Pass designs, including Threshold, and Audio Research. Since Audio Research is available in older models, buy it if you can work on it for small repairs, like changing tubes (especially if you have a great A/C system) but get Threshold for total reliability if you are happy with transistors.

Routine bias tweaks are less important on Classe A , as far as longevity.

Tubes are good, but they age and you won't notice without something to compare them with. By then you have wasted a lot of time that could have been used to listen to great transistor amps that are much more reliable designs.