Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thanks for your thoroughly enlightening information!  By far and away the most informative I've received or have been able to read about them. 

I should make it clear that I had/have absolutely no qualms regarding the bass output of these speakers in the first place. In fact I think they are unbeatable in more respects than any other speaker I have owned, period. At their used prices they are an utter steal. My first pair of them cost $800 and I drove 250 miles to pick them up from a fellow member. I hooked 'em up and experienced one of my very few "wow" moments. I forget what amp/pre setup I had at the time but I became a zealot at that moment. 

That pair went to my nephew who still has them. I had to repair one of the mids before handing them. 

My current pair cost me $350 from a fellow member and I drove 95 miles to get them. Absolutely the best money I've spent on anything. The Audiogon BB shows an average of around $900, which is higher than what they're actually going for. Unfortunately most of them costing that and below are in poor shape. I'm currently looking for another pair to keep for parts. 

Anyway, my inquiry regarding the implementation of the sub was not proposed as a means of improving anything, nor adding anything I feel is lacking.  These are excellent speakers, period. I have this sub...just tinkering. 

I always scan the site for 3.6's and above, but I also seek a geographically desirable location when I do. No eBay sellers, thank you. It's somewhat of a shame that I only found out about this brand after Mr. Thiel passed away. 
These are extraordinarily difficult speakers to beat at any price. 

My favorite amp to drive them?  Pass Labs X150.5. Like a schmuck I sold that. 

Thanks again!


I,too, am interested in Pass Labs amps. I do not know which way I will go-separates vs integrated ?

Were I constrained by space I'd definitely consider the integrated based upon my experience with the 150.5 amp - besides that, an appreciable cost efficiency as well. I see that Reno Hifi has one for $3795 right now. If you were to go separates pretty much double that.  

I bought my 150.5 from Mark there, I do believe you've mentioned doing business with him as well. I paid $2400 for a demo a couple of years ago and regret selling it. Currently used ones are fetching about $1k higher!  Sheesh.  I'm an idiot!  I think I was using an ARC pre at that time. 

Much Thanks! for the suggestion. Reno HiFi does has a stellar reputation for First Watt & Pass Labs gear.  I have heard the Pass Labs separates, I want to demo the various integrated amps for a comparison.

On the flipside of this particular coin, I am interested in the B.A.T integrated as well. I do not have a Pass Labs nor B.A.T. dealer/retailer here in the deep South. Wish I did...