Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Were I constrained by space I'd definitely consider the integrated based upon my experience with the 150.5 amp - besides that, an appreciable cost efficiency as well. I see that Reno Hifi has one for $3795 right now. If you were to go separates pretty much double that.  

I bought my 150.5 from Mark there, I do believe you've mentioned doing business with him as well. I paid $2400 for a demo a couple of years ago and regret selling it. Currently used ones are fetching about $1k higher!  Sheesh.  I'm an idiot!  I think I was using an ARC pre at that time. 

Much Thanks! for the suggestion. Reno HiFi does has a stellar reputation for First Watt & Pass Labs gear.  I have heard the Pass Labs separates, I want to demo the various integrated amps for a comparison.

On the flipside of this particular coin, I am interested in the B.A.T integrated as well. I do not have a Pass Labs nor B.A.T. dealer/retailer here in the deep South. Wish I did...
Because I'm an idiot!!!

I think I did to fund a McIntosh MC275.  Still kicking myself for that.  
I think Jim Thiel appreciated the work of Villchur and Kloss decades ago and felt the acoustic suspension (sealed box) design was the most accurate in reproduction of low frequencies. The passive radiator was a sort of compromise between a port and a sealed box, utilizing the back wave of the woofer to redirect that energy forward of the baffle.