Cool i am interested , I don't want to say which systems I saw i don't think its respectful , but i can say my system and enviroment are getting on track ( new room only 6 mnths old ) I don't mind some treatment throughout my room .
My original post was regarding some of the system pics on the gon . I see some mega system 6 figures and they have there walls covered in glass framed pics . I was just perplexed over this because i have like 6 17"x24" pics and i know they vibrate i hear it . I just wonder how much the pics change things . For instance room 13'x18' x10' exposed rafters spkrs on long wall etc etc . One wall has a slider with heavy fabric curtain wall behind me large window again very heavy curtain blind set up , open that blind up and its a different room . I would think using the sr on the pic itself would be interesting . Like i said my reason for asking again is i see 20 pics in a med room all that glass cannot be good or costly to chill out someone asked about power i have dedicated dual 20 amp hospital grade recepticles to my system and run it completley off grid 😁