Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks! again- oblgny-

I learn from you guys as well. This is what a hobby and being a hobbiest, is all about in practice.  Happy Listening!
I've used Anti-Cables too but their stiffness creates issues of their own which are more esthetic than sonic.  I think the most dramatic or at least discernible immediate differences I experienced were with the Goertz cables and the Transparent. I still have both brands on hand but it's only the Transparent that I have 100% throughout with; if I'm going to fairly compare results  I'll start with the Goertz. 


I've not heard the CS5's but a pair pops up on the site every once in a while for about $3k which is just a stupid good deal. Unfortunately they're on the other side of the country.  Typically Thiel sales require local pickup because of their weight, so opportunity rarely presents itself perfectly.  Sigh. 

Of course they would require more power than I currently have but that ain't stopped me before from purchasing anything. I can always drag out my Pioneer SX1050 receiver as a stop gap while I search.  

And I have listened to it through the Thiels before. My, how we suffer here sometimes!

I believe I have the Veracity speaker cables from Goertz which I ordered directly from them over the phone.  Again,  I start at the beginning and go up the food chains from there.

I had bananas on both ends which were a nice tight fit on the 3.5's - some of the other brands I've used tended to fall out of the connects on the speakers which I find is more a design flaw in their placement than it is the cables fault.  (Remember,  the speaker connects are on the bottom of the cabinets and one has to go through that small tunnel to make the connection.)
I know later models up the line have the speaker connects on the back of the cabinet which IMHO is a far better placement.

The Veracity line is about as wide as a piece of standard masking tape and as thin as anything I've thus far used.  They require a little more effort in running them so as not to bend them drastically,  other than that it's as simple as any other.

As Thiel owners know in advance,  Thiels reveal.  EVERYTHING in the chain.  The Goertz let everything through favoring the mids and highs,  but the highs were never harsh.  In fact, the upper end sonics is what I find most appealing about Thiel in general.  Writing this,  I am tempted to return the Goertz cables just to see if what I thought holds water after switching them out.  

The only thing I've heard, and through my guys at Audio Den,  is that some people have suffered damaging their speakers due to current overload?  Or something?  I'll re-ask the question to them later this week when I'm in the store - they've expanded their LP "department" so I've been going there more often.  The only cables I have not switched over to Transparent are the cables on my Marantz T-15 turnable which are hardwired into the unit.
As I've said before my vinyl sounds fantastic on my current setup.  I may switch out the Primare R32 phono preamp with a MF unit, one of those small phono preamps that I've had laying around forever,  just to see if it's the Primare's impact.  While my CD and server components sound good,  the vinyl trumps them indeed.  Just...better.
Very nice. Which models of Transparent are you currently using?
Happy Listening!