I think you're going to like it. Like several posters have stated, these class D amps are very neutral. I use a total of 5 class D amps in my combo 5.1 ht/ music system utilizing 3 different power modules listed below:
Anaview/Abletec modules - in a pair of D-sonic M3-600-A monoblock driving the front l/r mains.
B&O Ice ASP series modules, I believe - in a bridged Emerald Physics EP-100.2SE stereo amp (with a custom analog power supply rather than the usual switching one) driving the center.
Proprietary modules - in a stereo ClassD Audio SDS440CS amp (also using a traditional toirrodal transformer power supply, not the typical switching power supply) for the rear surrounds.
Even though I'm currently only using the Anaview/Abletec modules for music (because they're the latest models, the most powerful and sound the best to me), I have auditioned all 3 driving my older 4 ohm Magnepan 2.7 spkrs. I can tell you with confidence that all 3 modules have similar characteristics:
- Very neutral, highly detailed and natural sounding from top to bottom with no added flavoring but also without harshness which allows you to tailor the sound to your preference; very neutral when paired with a neutral solid-state preamp or some flavoring with a tube preamp.
-Virtually zero background noise so music sounds like it's emerging from a dead quiet blackness.
-Very good dynamic range that, paired with the quiet background, creates that 'in the room' soundstage that portrays a sense of listening to live music. This can actually be a bit stunning on well recorded source content for both music and ht.
-Seemingly effortless power, coupled with extremely low distortion, that is able to maintain a solid and stable sounstage illusion no matter what the volume setting.
The above is what I think you can expect from the B&O Ice ASX module you asked about. I've only heard the previous B&O ASP module Ice amp that I think is in my Emerald Physics amp. The ASX module is a more recent module that I read has an even more extended top end.
Please let us know your results once you're done,