Yamaha GT 2000 Turntable

Hello there ! Looking for any Yamaha GT 2000 owners / ex owners out there to share their experience and opinions regarding this turntable ..
Dear @lewm: Again al what you want it and ask is on that link but I don't know why you did not read carefully. Btw, all the GT-2000 series has coreless motors and same torque. You need to read again.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, And you need to read again my response to your earlier post that suggested I should re-read the blurb on Vintage Knob, which contains many errors of fact, at least as regards some other vintage turntables, I might add. For example, assuming theophile knows whereof he speaks, it would seem Vintage Knob is incorrect in implying that the GT2000X per se came with the heavy 18kg platter. I did take note of the coreless motor, and I do think that is a virtue. The GT2000 is probably a fine turntable; I have never heard one, but I have seen used ones for sale in Tokyo. What more do you want me to say? JP points out one major reason why I take manufacturer's published specs with more than a grain of salt.  The W&F measurement will always depend upon how you measure it, and there is/was no standardized method. Same goes for S/N.  In fact, at some point in the 1980s, the Japanese industry revised the method for measuring S/N, with the outcome that all turntables suddenly became quieter, if you only read the spec and are not cognizant of the change in method.  I expect that the GT2000 would be "up there" with the top echelon of the vintage DD genre, if the tonearm is up to snuff. I am not disagreeing with you.

Axel stated on the 2000x page that the 18Kg platter was optional. The mistake he made was in saying that the increased diameter motor shaft in the x was necessary for the 18Kg platter. It isn't. The 18Kg platter was introduced 3 years before the release of the 2000x with the release of the 2000/L models which had the smaller diameter motor shaft.

lewm, I would expect that since you already own some thoroughly excellent Direct Drives, that the 2000 won't blow you away sonically. I also doubt that you'd be disappointed with it.

Dear @lewm : You posted and " ask me: 

"""  So, I would ask for some hard facts, like what is the platter mass, what kind of motor does it use and how much torque does it generate when needed?  How is the plinth made and with what materials that we might think are good for dampening? """

and what I posted was that everythink is in the link and that you have to read it again and that all the 2000 series comes with coreless kind of motor.

Yes, specs maybe don't tell us all but it's important to take in count because ( some way or the other ) is the only objective information we have because we don't have on hand the 2000. My statement is valid for any audio item, I know you don't " care " and fine with me.

The @jpjones3318 post is right regarding that in that spec Yamaha did not specify the standar below took that measure.
After that post I check in the japanese bible and that 0.005 number is stated as 0.002%! showing no standard about.

Anyway, as I posted several years ago the GT 2000 along the top Kenwood, Exclusive P3a, Sp 10mk3, Denon DP 100 and maybe the Sony PS-X9 ( I think ? ) is at the very top DD vintage japanese TTs. The JVC does not belongs to this " particular/special " group or the DP-80/75.

Regards and enjoy the music,