To answer inquiring minds, I use Littlefuses. The send me 13 cents every time I mention that.
I have stacked 2 maple butcher blocks under my main Silverline Prelude speakers (just to raise 'em 5 inches) with vibrapods under the speakers where the spikes would have been…on a wood floor this effectively keeps the speaker box from vibing into the floor. A toe can verify this. It works swimmingly. Outboard regulated power supplies here and there to keep DC out of things, a PS Audio Humbuster III, Power Port AC plugs, heavy duty Sorbathane feet under the tube amp, large alloy cones of some type I've had for decades under the preamp (mostly for ventilation really). See? I can tweak…but the zillions of little surfaces all over my largish room made up of art works, books, piles of yet to be laundered cash, furniture, a piano, guitar cases, shrunken heads of my foes, etc., all reflect sound waves someplace, and if my doubting the effectiveness of a half dozen tiny alloy cups stuck here and there on all this seems luddite, so be it. My dearly departed friend and neighbor Lars Fridell let Sun Mook dudes put their ridiculous little ebony discs in his listening room…another expensive bit of audio tricksterism that yielded no benefit. Note also that if a manufacturer makes claims of million volt treatment or esoteric graphite somehow giving a FUSE (not in the signal chain, a tiny wire designed to melt, etc.) magic powers when applied to the electrons flowing through it, they should at least TRY to explain how they got to that conclusion. Just sayin'...
I have stacked 2 maple butcher blocks under my main Silverline Prelude speakers (just to raise 'em 5 inches) with vibrapods under the speakers where the spikes would have been…on a wood floor this effectively keeps the speaker box from vibing into the floor. A toe can verify this. It works swimmingly. Outboard regulated power supplies here and there to keep DC out of things, a PS Audio Humbuster III, Power Port AC plugs, heavy duty Sorbathane feet under the tube amp, large alloy cones of some type I've had for decades under the preamp (mostly for ventilation really). See? I can tweak…but the zillions of little surfaces all over my largish room made up of art works, books, piles of yet to be laundered cash, furniture, a piano, guitar cases, shrunken heads of my foes, etc., all reflect sound waves someplace, and if my doubting the effectiveness of a half dozen tiny alloy cups stuck here and there on all this seems luddite, so be it. My dearly departed friend and neighbor Lars Fridell let Sun Mook dudes put their ridiculous little ebony discs in his listening room…another expensive bit of audio tricksterism that yielded no benefit. Note also that if a manufacturer makes claims of million volt treatment or esoteric graphite somehow giving a FUSE (not in the signal chain, a tiny wire designed to melt, etc.) magic powers when applied to the electrons flowing through it, they should at least TRY to explain how they got to that conclusion. Just sayin'...