vandersteen 2sigs to magnepan .7 good move?

I am considering moving to a pair of .7 maggies or super mmg. maggies. is this a good move?  will I have bass equivalent to the vandersteens or will I need a subwoofer?

what else would I look at between 1-2 grand? used or new.

The .7's, like any dipole (including the ET LFT-8b), need to be a minimum of 5' from the wall behind them (because of the precedence effect), in your case the 13' one, the speakers firing down the 16' length of the room. Because of the figure-of-8 radiation pattern of dipoles (with a null to either side), the speakers can be very close to the side walls, with tweeters on the sides (inner) away from the walls. With a listening distance of 8', that leaves 3' between the lp and rear wall. Use dispersion behind the speakers, and absorption behind the lp.
 Can you list what your whole system is.
 What are all Room dimensions
 How far apart in inches from each speakers tweeter to tweeter?
 How far away in inches are you sitting from each speaker?
  is there an area rug on the floor etc?
  Best JohnnyR 
John Rutan is a Maggie and Vandersteen dealer, if anyone can help you he can.  He is well known in the audio community as a very knowledgeable down to earth person who loves music. I've visited his store twice and he's a heck of a nice guy, he'll steer you in the right direction.
+2.....JohnR.....he's kept me from chasing my tail many times.  Like others have mentioned, he is first and foremost a music lover.   He just mentioned a new integrated from Belles.  May have to contact him about that paired with some 1Cis!   He taught me that I didn't need to spend lots to get lots so to speak. Regards........