image on tv goes green

I have a large Samsung DLP that has started to ocassionally flash to black outlines on a bright green screen. It looks almost like a solarized photograph. This occurs independent of source - both on DVD/blue-ray and on satellite TV.

This might occur once in five or ten hours and might last 5 to 20 seconds.

Any tech types out there have a guess as to what's going on here.

Thanks in advance.

I have a Samsung DLP so I'm interested in what you find out. Mines an LED, is yours? I have not had this happen and I've had my TV for three or four years I would guess.

I know the bulbs can fail and need to be replaced, but don't know what happens when one fails.
My 6 or 7 year old 56" Samsung DLP gets a green pattern that looks like tribal graphics. This happens once or twice a day. Since I am old school, I give the back of the tv a good slap and it resolves the problem for a while. This set might have 500 hours on it max.
I am curious to know if my tv has the same problem as Marty's.

It's just about to turn 6 yrs old - so maybe +/- 2,500 hours on the clock. Not sure of the light source, but I have replaced a "Lamp/Color Wheel" module once - so maybe it's a lamp, but maybe it's an LED set that gets referred to as a "lamp". Either way, that should reset the lamp life.

Baffled, if your "tribal graphics" are black lines against a glowing neon green, I'd guess we're talking the about same deal.

No guesses, anyone?

I know the bulbs can fail and need to be replaced, but don't know what happens when one fails

You dont get a picture.

I have replaced ours 2x's now. According to the manual and what we have read in forums, they say that the picture quality will degrade as the bulb gets older. We have found this to be not true with our Sony xrd the picture remains the same all the time and then one day------poof. No more tv.
Try googling "Samsung DLP problem". I did this and got several results but didn't read the details but you may want to. I was having a green spot on my Sony lcd a few years ago and found out on a home theater forum this was a common problem. I called Sony support and they replaced the "color engine" at no cost, they came to my house and installed a new color engine to replace the bad one. It was like an unpublicized recall since you only received the replacement if you called and complained - not very proactive. I found out about this 'recall' by reading internet forums on my tv model. I'm not saying there's a similar recall on your model, just suggesting that you are more likely to find a resolution on other forums. Good luck.