Berkeley Alpha Reference run direct

Has anyone found a preamplifier that improves the sound from a Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC? If so, what preamp? Mine sounds amazing feeding my amplifiers direct, DAC to amps.
As for the reviews, Jeff’s gear sees a fair amount of coverage. He doesn’t come out with new designs all the time for them to cover, like ARC does - every three years ARC wants you to upgrade - Jeff just wants you to listen to your music. His new integrated amp (Damon - kicks BUTT) has gotten a nice amount of coverage.
Blue circle hybrid preamp of both worlds...I liked the berkeley ref. direct but it really does improve in soundstage depth and imaging with a Good preamp in front.
arc should be a good choice also,along with say an Aesthetix.
I contacted Galen Carol Audio yesterday. I had auditioned and purchased my BAR from them, via mail. I was curious how they set up their demo BAR. In their showroom, they are running direct into a pair of Rowland amps, with no preamp. They said some customers prefer a bit of "flavor", and in which case they would recommend a tube preamp. But for their demo, they consider no additional circuitry between DAC and amp to be the best platform to hear the merits of the Berkeley Alpha Reference. Interesting...
I would LOVE to hear that dac direct to Jeffs amps.  Galen is a great guy, by the way.