Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?

“Plus there are not larger amounts of interfering energy within the component that is placed in isolation. There’s LESS interfering energy. That’s kind of the whole point. Hel-looo!”

Me Kate, here is your chance to help us learn more about isolation by answering three questions of ours.  Please do not post the straw man arguments avoidance reply again, just answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.

1. Prove to us via formulas or we will accept any qualified outsider opinions there are “not” “larger amounts of interfering energy within any component that is placed in isolation and there is LESS”  - per our Example.

Example: We do know when turning up the volume on an amplifier and witness those large transformers generating more energy, eating more AC current and generating more vibration changing into greater mechanical and electromechanical resonance at all variable frequencies per Coulomb's Law - so again why is there LESS interfering energy within your isolation model?

Strange but you never refer to de’ Coulomb in any of your writings and since the law named for his formula is absolutely relevant to vibration and component operational efficiency we always thought you would bring it into play as some point or are you willing to eat your own words once directed at us -  “One imagines you look the other way and hope it disappears.”

Employing isolation techniques, one merely protects one component from interfering with another that it is in direct contact with. Isolation increases the effects of Coulomb friction by building resistance between the mating surfaces. With regards to airborne resonance, isolation principles serve much like the dielectric material in a capacitance device, essentially turning the component into a giant Resonance Capacitor. This is not the opinion of our company, Star Sound Technologies, LLC but rather that of the average graduate - level physics textbook.

2. Does isolation and heat conversion processes attenuate when that amplifier volume is turned up and where does all that increased resonance formed from greater vibration go?

One thing we do know functions within the Live-Vibe Technology™ model; when a high speed mechanical grounding conduit is applied to transfer resonance to ground, when more energy is generated there is never an overload from buildup within the component hence establishing a higher level of component operational efficiency. You can research everything written “anywhere” about Sistrum Platforms and one shining star common among listener’s and reviewer’s findings is one can immediately and substantially increase volume levels of their system, hearing even more of the recording and with an effortlessness feel that never existed before.

3 Does isolation provide this listening benefit of effortless gains in volume because we have not found or read much on isolation models with that result taking place with any consistency.

Admittedly the isolation models we studied and built produced some success through function but we also determined and in our opinions that heat conversion processes are a much slower go in comparison to rapid energy transfer especially when keeping up with musical reproduction and musical instruments which are quite fast and responsive as you know.

Wow, as I’m finishing up with this post, I just read your latest one liner with regards to one of our members! Believe me Mr Kate, you do not want to compare your career to hers nor do you want to go head to head in a science debate as that would just be wasting the lady's time. 

You obviously already know everything known to mankind or at least your ego believes you do. Gee, I thought your career would be higher up the ladder by now, proving that selling a bag of rocks will only take you so far. (just my personal opinion of course).

Robert Maicks

Star Sound

PS - Regards to you and Mike Green arguing? Must have consistently  sounded like when brother Moe repeatedly hits Curly on the noggin!

Audiopoint wrote,

"Wow, as I’m finishing up with this post, I just read your latest one liner with regards to one of our members! Believe me Mr Kate, you do not want to compare your career to hers nor do you want to go head to head in a science debate as that would just be wasting the lady’s time."

I am definitely wasting MY time debating you. Since you don’t know what my career is you’re just pissing up a rope. Bring the seismologist on. Let’s rock! ;-).  One of our members? You take a lot for granite! ;-)

Then Audiopoint wrote,

"You obviously already know everything known to mankind or at least your ego believes you do. Gee, I thought your career would be higher up the ladder by now, proving that selling a bag of rocks will only take you so far. (just my personal opinion of course)."

Maybe be you should just stick to insults and sophomore jokes as that appears to be your strong suit. Leave the science to someone else.

Have a nice day

geoff kait
machina dynamics
no goats no glory

In my system it stays in the speakers. At least for the bass range. Before the podiums (Magico spikes to floor) i felt the bass through my floor (wood on concrete) after the podiums i do not feel anything through the floor only through the air. You kind of miss the floor based boom at first but its really a fake effect, good for sound effects but not something i experience at live acoustic concerts

others with more knowldge of springs (Geoff?) may comment on whether the setup transmits higher frequencies, it may

recognize all of this is with a very inert cabinet design, and no ports on my Magico Q3s.

Ps agear. Nice room, mine is a similar size and likewise complex design albeit a more traditional Art Noxon design for sound isolation and bass response, despite the small size it works well and behaves as yours seems to really disappearing into the recorded acoustic

I guess the question is what makes the speaker more efficient in propagating energy as sound.  It would be interesting to take dB measurements to see if you achieve the same room filling sound as lower settings on your VC.  That is what I have discovered with my SS racks (and room).  I have gotten profound results even with cheesy, Craigslist grade speakers.  One speakers designer I had over claimed that a $75 Pioneers on Starsound apprentice stands sounded better than many 10k audiophile speakers he had heard.       

Magicos cabinets are engineered better than most and could well highlight the Townsend gear better.  It would be interesting to see its effects on the typical painted Chinese MDF.

The room was a lot of fun to create but the formal reveal is still pending.  Clement Perry from Stereotimes is coming to review it once my system fiddling is complete.

You put a lot of energy and $ into your beautiful room and that was very smart.  My younger brother lives in Portland.  If I visit in the near future, I will have to swing by for a listen.   

ricred1, I would try Starsound Apprentice XL stands under your speakers.  That is the place to start.  Their technology has the most obvious impact on things that vibrate the most (rooms, subs, speakers.....)