Magico and Symposium

Just put a Symposium Super Plus under my Magico Q3s.Im using the unit with Copper spikes as i have a carpet/wood/concrete floor.First you must remove the stainless steal spikes then place speaker on Symposium platform. You will get better bass depth and detail,better stage and more information detail.This will work under any good floor standing speaker.
ebm OP
3,412 posts
07-31-2016 10:35am
"Symposium is much better than Townsend or Stillpoints Symposium will isolate the speaker from the room and floor."

Huh? Aren't you actually isolating the rest of the system from the speakers? Why would you worry about isolating the speakers from the floor? For one thing the crossovers are under direct vibration from the speakers so the crossovers cannot be isolated.

Maybe your right it does however sound much better.Thanks for your wonderful reply.

I'm using the Super Plus with copper spikes on a carpet/wood/cement floor I'm getting better bass detail,better specificity of images with much more detail.
Sounds like you are having good results.

My experience with the Townshend podiums under my Q3s was if anything less detail 😉  but a more natural bloom and body to the bass. Again my experience of live bass is that the crack/thump often seen as good and 'detail' is actually unnatural emphasis of leading edges. Real bass sounds blossom into reality (I'm using a double bass as my reference here) and the podiums really helped this come into being

Heather Masse's bass at the Wailing Jenny's this last Saturday sounded just like this and it's a very natural sound that dealing with this part of the speaker has helped with

Hopefully you are getting a similar result from the Symposium -- did you actually compare it directly with Townshend products on your Q3s?

 I'm sure the Townshend is wonderful i heard it on S5 mk 2 at a friends  system so i can't say for sure as long as you are getting such wonderful results I'm sure its great.