Berkeley Alpha Reference run direct

Has anyone found a preamplifier that improves the sound from a Berkeley Alpha Reference DAC? If so, what preamp? Mine sounds amazing feeding my amplifiers direct, DAC to amps.
Kodak805. I have been quite successful at negotiating in-home auditions, so, no, I don't buy unless I hear a component in my system, and love it.

Speaking of... I LOVE the sound of my BAR. I never said it was cold, or I desired warmth. I've been simply wondering if Anyone has improved their sound with a preamp, vs direct, using specifically a BAR.
Yes, I have considered trying a KX-R Twenty. Once again, Has anyone heard that combination with the BAR, and was it an improvement over direct?

I always prefer a preamp in my system. I had the Berkeley Ref DAC in my system and it was one of the, if not the, best dacs used direct to my amps. I still love what a preamp does. With a preamp, you might get a slight loss of detail but gain musicality, depth, width and overall added sweetness to less than stellar recordings. I have since moved on from the Berkely Ref DAC and don't miss it.

I have Ayre MX-R Twenty monos and agree that they are outstanding. I am in the process of trying to get the KX-R Twenty to go with them. I am also considering an ARC Ref 10. I have the Ref 6 and it's a little too much for my taste. It's an outstanding preamp and I know why people love it, but it's not for me. I love a slightly slightly softer/sweeter sound.
Please describe what you don't like about the AR Reference 6, as opposed to what you do like.
I think the Ref 6 is an outstanding preamp for the money. It is extremely transparent which can be both a blessing and a curse. On great recordings, there are no issues. On lesser recordings, the treble and midrange can sound a bit coarse to my ear. I also found the soundstage to be a little forward for my taste, like sitting in the third row at a concert hall. It also has a very punchy/ballsy sound, almost like it's on steroids. On some music it's an advantage, but on other music, it can be a bit too much of a good thing.

This is ONLY my opinion, you need to listen for yourself.
The key, to me, was the loss in resolution with a digital volume control.  You really need to compare it.  Volume reduction should not be a loss in resolution.