Equipment Rack

Does it make sense to spend several thousands of dollars on a equipment rack, if Stillpoints are used under every component?
+1 for the Townshend. I put the isolation bars under my Analysys Audio Epsilon.
I never could have think the tremendous effect this has done to my system. I understand it can be seen as a paradox but the difference really is not subtle.
isolation bars give the same sound quality as the podium for a lot less money but are a bit more difficult to settle in correctly. Once it is done. The effort is worth do be done.
The difference between native feet and Townshend bars reminds me when I installed my tubed amps on SRA Ohio Class xl2 for a lot less money.
in US it seems the Cable Co is selling them.

Maybe be you should just stick to insults and sophomore jokes as that appears to be your strong suit. Leave the science to someone else.

Mr. Kait,

In closing, we have been eating your insulting ways for far too long on this forum and just wanted to see how you would react to a taste of your own medicine, so now we know… Pick on our products, nit- pick our technology as best you can but kindly leave our good people alone.

You are correct. I am a sound engineer by trade and not a scientist. Getting paid for what my talents are, using my gifts of hearing and delivering good sound definitely beats spending my time arguing earthquakes and the like.

The important thing is not to argue as there is no right or wrong,  just good and better methods. We are on to something excitingly new for all of audio and music so we participate here only to assist in education. We will do our best to stay on topic but...even sophomores like me reply to everyone's questions when asked.


Robert Maicks

Star Sound

26 posts
08-01-2016 1:25pm
Geoffkait: "Maybe be you should just stick to insults and sophomore jokes as that appears to be your strong suit. Leave the science to someone else."

Mr. Kait,

In closing, we have been eating your insulting ways for far too long on this forum and just wanted to see how you would react to a taste of your own medicine, so now we know… Pick on our products, nit- pick our technology as best you can but kindly leave our good people alone.

You are correct. I am a sound engineer by trade and not a scientist. Getting paid for what my talents are, using my gifts of hearing and delivering good sound definitely beats spending my time arguing earthquakes and the like.

The important thing is not to argue as there is no right or wrong, just good and better methods. We are on to something excitingly new for all of audio and music so we participate here only to assist in education. We will do our best to stay on topic but...even sophomores like me reply to everyone's questions when asked.


Robert Maicks

Star Sound

Actually, to be fair, I was not picking on your products. I was picking on your science. See the difference?

Have a nice day,

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica
Give me a strong enough spring and I'll isolate the world

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